Steve Rychetnik

Steve Rychetnik
Film Maker
  • 907.248.4829
  • Anchorage

Steve and Carolyn Rychetnik are the team that operates Alaska’s premier film production shop, SprocketHeads. Sprox, what we like to call it, is better known for documentaries, high-end commercials, and movie productions. But, they like working with Lottsfeldt Strategies and have produced almost 99% of every TV ad we’ve made.


Where was your favorite vacation?


Paris—where I proposed to my wife.


Director, director of photography, cinematographer, editor and film industry professional with experience in feature film, documentaries, high-end commercials, network news and programming, marketing and social media video, reality, educational and adventure TV.

Proficient with 35mm and 16mm film cameras, high definition video and multiple still photo photography formats, multiple NLE systems. Lifelong skills in music performance, writing, recording, sound design, sound reinforcement. 

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